Apply filters and display charts

Filter on budget, location and desired value for money to find the top projects and projects’ unit types that match all your or your client’s requirements and preferences. If unchecked, click on the checkbox to the right of “Show Charts” to display the tab’s charts to make the property selection and data analysis process even easier. For more information, please visit the Filter & Sort and Charts premium feature pages.

Select maximum 3 projects

Select up to 3 projects of which you want to compare the tab’s most important data. Selecting more than 3 projects is not possible and will display the below error message.

Please only select a maximum of 3 projects at a time. Select data about the selected projects will be used to generate PDFs to compare the selected projects with each other or to present the data about the selected projects to your clients. There only fit a maximum of 3 projects on a PDF. The PDF will be e-mailed to you after checking the Publish checkbox.

Selecting more than 3 projects will automatically deselect the project in the lowest row. This may be a project that you actually wanted to include in the PDF, so please double check well if all projects you want to include in the PDF are still being selected before continuing with the next step.

Please note that after selecting a certain project, its row will be highlighted in the tab’s color. This is to facilitate comparison of up to 3 projects at a time within the sheet.Simultaneously, the rows of the (selected) projects’ neighboring projects of the same type get highlighted too (in a lighter variant of the tab’s color). This is to facilitate comparison of a project with its neighboring projects of the same type. Let’s say you are interested in a certain high-end project. By selecting this project, other nearby high-end projects will automatically get highlighted too. No need to search for them and ideal for making sure you chose the best project of a certain type in your preferred location.

Click on the “Publish” checkbox

After clicking on the “Publish” checkbox to the right of “Publish”, the tab’s most important data about the selected projects will be send to you – in PDF format – by e-mail. Please note that only the Primary Residence, Leasing, Investment and Investing Idea tabs have a “Publish” checkbox. Comparing and publishing data in the Areas and Flipping tabs is thus not possible. Please also note that the e-mail will be send to the same e-mail address as the e-mail address with which your sheet has been shared. This should be an e-mail address that is a Google Account, otherwise you will not be able to use the premium features – even after subscribing to our membership plans.

After the e-mail has been send to you, the selected projects will automatically be deselected. This will also happen after applying any filter or sorting on any other metric than the metric on which the tab is currently sorted.

Please note that if you do not receive the tab’s most important data about the selected projects by e-mail after clicking on the “Publish” checkbox to the right of “Publish”, you may try it by clicking on the “Custom” menu item and subsequently on “Publish”. Please also do not forget to check your Promotions, Spam or Junk folder.

Review permissions

After clicking on the “Publish” checkbox for the first time, you are required to review the app’s permissions. We need your permission to access your data on Google. Click on the Review Permissions button to continue.

Select the Google account that uses the e-mail address the Google Sheets got shared with. If not visible, click on “Use another account”.

Click on “Advanced”.

Click on "Go to Publish premium feature (unsafe)".

After reviewing the app’s permissions, click on the Allow button to continue. An empty screen with the message “Authorization successful” will display.

Compare the projects’ data

The tab’s most important data about the selected projects is different for the Primary Residence, Leasing and Investment tabs than for the Investing Idea tab. The data that is included in each tab’s PDF file can be seen in the image slider above.

Please note that the grey data is not relevant for your or your client’s purpose. However, for completeness sake we have included it anyway.

Please note that the grey data is not relevant for your or your client’s purpose. However, for completeness sake we have included it anyway.

Please note that the grey data is not relevant for your or your client’s purpose. However, for completeness sake we have included it anyway.

Please note that the grey data is not relevant for your or your client’s purpose. However, for completeness sake we have included it anyway. Please note that the green and red emojis indicate which of the 5 conditions to be classified as a “risk-free” unit have been satisfied. For more information about these conditions, please see step 7 of the Charts premium feature page.

Presentation made easy

Forward the e-mail to your client and/or present it to him/her during the site visits of the selected projects. Having the tab’s most important data about the selected projects readily available ensures your client will buy smart and you will sell more. You will likely only need to close one deal to earn back the costs of the sheet and membership plan and this is simply A LOT easier with our sheets and membership plan than without. After all, what sells better than being able to show the high returns your client is likely to make on the selected projects? Right, nothing.

The e-mail includes the tab name, the selected projects and the average extra returns one can make when using the knowledge in our sheet to maximize the returns on one’s investment.

Earn money by referring us to others

Asides from the abovementioned things, the e-mail also includes a link to check which other projects are included in the sheet and a Buy Now button to buy the sheet. The Buy Now button links to the product page to buy the sheet, e.g. If you want to earn money by referring us to others (e.g. by forwarding the e-mail to your client), then you must add your affiliate code (e.g. xtop1) to the light blue cell to the right of “Affiliate Code” in the Crowdsourced Data tab. After doing so, the Buy Now button will link to If your client purchases one of our products through that button, you will get 10%. Easy peasy, right?

Don't have an affiliate code yet? Join our affiliate program by submitting your PayPal e-mail address. When you sign up, you will get a special link that you can share with others. The link should look as following:

If you fill in your affiliate code in the light blue cell to the right of “Affiliate Code” in the Crowdsourced Data tab, then we not only include your affiliate code in the link behind the Buy Now button, but also in (the URLs and links in) the PDF files that will be attached to these e-mails. This way you can also earn commission by giving the PDFs to your clients as handout during site visits.

Membership Plan

Buying our sheets gets you access to knowledge to maximize the returns on your property investment(s). To use the sheets’ premium features, you need to subscribe to our membership plans.


Please note that one subscription will get you access to the (plan’s) premium features in all Google Sheets you have purchased. You will therefore only need to subscribe to this membership plan once.

If the Google Sheets got shared with an e-mail address that is not a Google Account, then you will not be able to use the premium features – even after subscribing to this membership plan. Please create a Google Account using the e-mail address the Google Sheets got shared with, so that the premium features can be used.

Premium features

Filter & Sort, Charts, Publish

Only $0.41/Day
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