Determine your budget

If you are planning to go for bank financing (not relevant for leasing purposes thus), you could determine your budget by filling out and/or altering all light blue cells in the Investing Idea tab indicated above. After doing so, we calculate the maximum sale price, which we then automatically add to the “Max Sale Price” filter in the Primary Residence and Investment tabs. Whatever was filled in there before adding, updating and/or altering any value in the light blue cells in the Investing Idea tab indicated above will be overwritten.

The maximum sale price (i.e. your budget) depends on:

  1. Your monthly income;
  2. Your equity; and
  3. The loan conditions, such as:
    1. The maximum loan versus the appraised value of the property;
    2. The interest rate; and
    3. The loan term.

Please note that the loan conditions have been pre-filled, but can be altered so that they will match your personal situation. Your monthly income and equity still need to be filled in though.

After filling in your monthly income and/or equity and/or altering the loan conditions, all projects that you cannot afford will be filtered out. What remains are the projects that you can afford. For this to be the case, two conditions have to be satisfied:

  1. Your equity is sufficient for the down payment; and
  2. The loan amount is sufficient for the remaining amount of the project’s lowest sale price.

Please note that not all units at the project can possibly be afforded. Which units can be afforded really depends on the sale price versus the above two conditions, which will be harder to satisfy for higher sale prices all other things being equal. However, for all remaining projects at least one unit (i.e. the cheapest unit) can be afforded.

Fill in your budget

Fill in your budget in the light blue cell to the right of “Max Sale Price” (Primary Residence and Investment tabs) or “Max Rent Price” (Leasing tab). After doing so, all projects with a lowest sale or rent price that are above your budget will be filtered out. Of the remaining projects, only the average sale and rent prices of unit types that are within your budget will be displayed. What remains are the unit types at the projects that fall within your budget.

Select your preferred location

You can further filter on province, city and/or area (in the country sheets) or city and/or area (in the province sheets). In the left light blue drop down list under “Location” you can select the province (country sheets) or city (province sheets) and in the right light blue drop down list under “Location” you can select the area. In the country sheets you can select the city in the middle light blue drop down list under “Location”. The right drop down list only lists the areas in the province and/or city selected in the left and/or middle drop down list and the middle drop down list only lists the cities in the province selected in the left drop down list, which makes finding and selecting your desired city and/or area a lot easier! The smart location filter makes sure that only the projects in your preferred location will be displayed.

Fill in your preferred unit size

Your preferred unit size determines your desired value for money. This is being calculated by dividing your budget (i.c. the value you have filled in under step 1) by your (minimum) preferred unit size, which you fill in the light blue cell to the right of “Min. Sqm”. The result is the maximum sale price/sqm or rent price/sqm you are willing to pay and serves as the criterion to determine which projects are bad value for money (for you) and which are not. Only the projects which are good value for money (for you) will remain.

Sort the results

Sort the results – depending on your purpose (i.e. primary residence, leasing or investment) – on capital gains, ROI or median rent price/sqm to find the top projects matching all your requirements and preferences. It is possible to sort the following tabs on:

Please note that the above tabs can be sorted by selecting a value in the dark blue drop down list to the left of “(sort by)”. The tabs are being sorted by default on project (indicated in light blue to the left of “(sort by)”.)

Select the top projects offering your required unit type

Under “Average Sale Price” (Primary Residence tab) or “Average Rent Price” (Leasing tab) you can see which projects offer your required unit type. Sort on average sale price (Primary Residence tab) or average rent price (Leasing tab) if you want to display all projects offering your required unit type conveniently at the top (ordered from low to high). Select the top projects offering your required unit type and have a look into which of those unit types are currently for sale or rent at those projects by visiting their project pages (click on the links).

Property selection made easy

We have helped you filter out the projects that are above your budget, that are located outside your preferred location and that do not offer good value for money (for you). We have shown you the top projects that match all your requirements and preferences, including your required unit type. We have made the knowledge to maximize the returns on your life’s most important investment available to you. Now it is time for you to take action. Action is what produces the results.

On the property portals from which we source our data you can select the units of your required type that fall within your budget and that offer your desired value for money. Buy the one you like the most at one of the top projects we have shown you and your returns will be $X0,000s higher than what they likely would have been if you would not have used our knowledge to maximize the returns on your life’s most important investment. You may thank us later 😊

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