How to become an affiliate?

In less than 2 minutes!

Step 1

Takes 1 minute

Get access to our sample
sheet – for free!

If you have already purchased one of our sheets, then you may skip this step and immediately proceed to step 2.

If you have not purchased one of our sheets yet, visit , click on one of the Get Access buttons and enter your e-mail address. Complete setting up your account and discover how our sheets help others maximize the returns on their property investment(s).

Step 2

Takes 1 minute

Join our affiliate program

Visit join our affiliate program by submitting your PayPal e-mail address. When you sign up, you will get a special link that you can share with others. If someone purchases one of our product using that link, you will get at least 10%. Easy peasy, right?

You can find the link under Real Estate Data’s Storefront (All Products). The link should look as following: (whatever is included in your affiliate link instead of “xtop1” is your unique affiliate code).

How to earn money by referring us to others?

How much money can I expect to earn?

The expected earnings depend on 5 factors:

  • The number of impressions (e.g. Facebook group members, followers or website visitors who get to see the link);
  • The Click-Through Rate (CTR);
  • The conversion rate;
  • The sheet price; and
  • The commission rate.

The expected earnings can be calculated using the following formula: number of impressions * CTR * conversion rate * sheet price * commission rate.

If we set the CTR at 0.009 (average CTR Facebook ads), the conversion rate at 0.023 (average conversion rate) and the commission rate at 0.11 (average commission rate; higher than 10% due to bi-annual promotions during which you will earn – for the duration of one month – 15% commission for certain country and/or province sheets), then the expected earnings can be calculated by multiplying the sheet price by 0.00002277 and the result of that by the number of impressions (differs per Facebook group, social account, website, etc.).

If we use our average sheet price of $285, then the expected earnings are:

ImpressionsExpected Earnings
1,000 $6
2,000 $13
5,000 $32
10,000 $65
20,000 $130
50,000 $324
100,000 $650

Not bad at all for only one post! Feel free to play around with these numbers though based on what you think the CTR and conversion rate can be. Please note that sharing more often and with different people only increases your expected earnings. Some people may not be ready to buy a property now, but they will be in the future. So even if the same people will get to see your post over and over again, it can (and will) still lead to new click-throughs and conversions. Hence we have set the CTR constant (i.e. 0.9% of all people who get to see your link again, will still click-through, even after seeing it for the umpteenth time).

Where can I track what I have earned?

Track my earnings

In your sales overview you can see all sales you have helped us make. You will see the customer name and e-mail address, the sheet (or membership plan) he/she bought, the date you have helped us make the sale, the price of the sheet (or membership plan) and – based on that, but also based on the commission rate – the commission you have earned by helping us make the sale. The commission displays in green if it got paid by us already and in red if it still needs to be paid by us. This is also indicated another time by the blue Paid and green Unpaid tags.

Asides from this, your sales overview also displays your total number of sales, commission made, pending commission, clicks and conversion rate. You can replace your actual conversion rate in the above formula to get a better estimate of your expected earnings before sharing your affiliate link anywhere. By keeping an eye on the total number of clicks and your conversion rate you can also get a good idea which efforts are working and which not.

Please note that affiliate cookies last up to 15 days, so as long as a customer makes a purchase in that amount of time, it should track the affiliate.