Apply filters, display charts and compare projects

Filter on budget, location and desired value for money to find the top projects and projects’ unit types that match all your or your client’s requirements and preferences. If unchecked, click on the checkbox to the right of “Show Charts” to display the tab’s charts to make the property selection and data analysis process even easier. Still not able to choose a project? Select maximum 3 projects and click on the checkbox to the right of “Publish” to receive the tab’s most important data about the selected projects – in PDF format – by e-mail. Compare the selected projects or forward the e-mail to your client and/or present it to him/her during the site visits of the selected projects. For more information, please visit the Filter & Sort, Charts and Publish premium feature pages.

Click on “View on Map” and sign in

Clicking on the “View on Map” link for the first time will open a sign in page in a new tab. Use your Google account to sign in (if you do not have one yet, you would need to create one using the e-mail address the Google Sheets got shared with, so that you can use the premium feature). Please note thatyou can only successfully sign in if you:

  1. Are subscribed to the Filter & Sort, Charts, Publish and Maps premium feature plan;
  2. Use the e-mail address the Google Sheets got shared with to sign in; and
  3. Have a Google account.

If you have clicked on the “View on Map” link (and successfully signed in) before, one of the messages in the above or the next image in the above image slider will display.

If you are successfully logged in, the message in the above image will display. Click on the Go button to continue.

If you are already logged in to a different session, the message in the above image will display. Click on the button to force this session and end the other before continuing. There can only be one active session per subscription at a time.

If you have signed in with a Google account, but are not subscribed to the Maps premium feature plan and/or used a different e-mail address than the e-mail address the Google Sheets got shared with to sign in, then the message in the above image will display. Use the e-mail address the Google Sheets got shared with to sign in and/or subscribe to the Maps premium feature by clicking on the Buy Now button.

Review permissions

After signing in for the first time, you are required to review the app’s permissions. We need your permission to access your data on Google. Click on the Review Permissions button to continue.

Select the Google account that uses the e-mail address the Google Sheets got shared with. If not visible, click on “Use another account”.

Click on “Advanced”.

Click on “Go to Maps premium feature (unsafe)”.

After reviewing the app’s permissions, click on the Allow button to continue. An empty screen with the message “Authorization successful” will display. Go back to the Google Sheet and re-click on the “View on Map” link. If you are successfully logged in, click on the Go button to continue. If you are already logged in to a different session, click on the button to force this session and end the other before continuing.

Our smart icons explained

The maps display the projects visible in the tab from which you have clicked on the “View on Map” link. Unlike the charts, the maps are not dynamic. That means, after re-applying the filters (after having clicked on the “View on Map” link), the projects pinned on the map do not automatically update. If you want to update the projects pinned on the map, you will need to refresh the map. Again, the updated map will only display the projects visible in the tab from which you have initially clicked on the “View on Map” link. If you want to view projects visible in another tab on a map instead, then please close the current map and click on the “View on Map” link in the tab of which you want to view the visible projects on a map.

The color of the icons is identical to the colors in the Capital Gains (Primary Residence tab), Latest Median Rent Price/Sqm (Leasing tab) and ROI (Investment and Investing Idea tabs) columns, so that you can see – in one click – what a province’s (or even country’s) top projects are. Please note that the colors of the icons change after re-applying the filters and refreshing the map. The dark green icons are the projects with the highest capital gains (Primary Residence tab), lowest median rent prices/sqm (Leasing tab) and highest ROI (Investment and Investing Idea tabs) while the dark red icons are the projects with the lowest capital gains (Primary Residence tab), highest median rent prices/sqm (Leasing tab) and lowest ROI (Investment and Investing Idea tabs).

Please also note that different real-estate types have different icons. This way it is easy for you to recognize on the maps (of for example the All sheets) which projects are condominiums, houses and townhouses.

Lastly, please note that the icons of any projects you have selected will look different as well. They will be slightly larger and won’t be semi-transparent. This way you would not need to search for the selected projects, but instead be able to spot them right away.

Data visible in the text boxes of the icons

Data such as the project’s capital gains, median rent price/sqm and/or ROI and the project’s real-estate type is also visible when clicking on the project’s icon. Asides from this, there is also other data visible in the text box that appears after clicking on the project’s icon. Please note that the data that is visible differs per tab. So if you click on any of the icons on the Leasing map, the data in the text box will be different from the data in the text box of any of the icons on the Investment map. The data that is visible in the text boxes of the icons on each tab’s map can be seen in the image slider above. The font color of the project name and the lower border of the table in the text boxes are identical to the tab’s color and thus indicate which tab the maps are about.

Our killer feature

Search for banks, hospitals, parks, restaurants, schools, shopping centers and subway and train stations to see which of the (filtered) projects are nearby the places that matter to you. Under Map, select “Terrain” to see which projects are elevated if you are after a unit with good city views. Or select “Satellite” to see which project are surrounded by greenery.

Our maps are our killer feature, as they not only make property selection and data analysis easy, but also presentation. They are like 3 premium features in 1. For example, after applying the filters, the top projects can be found by looking for the dark green icons. No more sorting needed, unless you quickly want to find the cheapest projects offering your desired unit type. Although the data about the top projects does not get conveniently displayed in charts on the maps, the (tab’s most important) data about only those projects can be “combined” and “compared” by only clicking on the dark green icons and checking the tables in the icons’ text boxes. Presentation of the projects’ data can be via screenshots (including location this way!) or simply from your tablet during site visits with your clients.

Membership Plan

Buying our sheets gets you access to knowledge to maximize the returns on your property investment(s). To use the sheets’ premium features, you need to subscribe to our membership plans.


Please note that one subscription will get you access to the (plan’s) premium features in all Google Sheets you have purchased. You will therefore only need to subscribe to this membership plan once.

If the Google Sheets got shared with an e-mail address that is not a Google Account, then you will not be able to use the premium features – even after subscribing to this membership plan. Please create a Google Account using the e-mail address the Google Sheets got shared with, so that the premium features can be used.

Premium features

Filter & Sort, Charts, Publish and Maps

Only $0.55/Day
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