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Premium Features

  • Filter & Sort

    Property selection made easy:

    1. Filter on budget, location and desired value for money;
    2. Sort the results (e.g. on ROI from high to low); and
    3. Select the top projects offering your required type of unit.
  • Charts

    Data analysis made easy. Complex data about the top areas, developers, projects, projects’ unit types and “risk-free” project’s cheapest units conveniently displayed in charts.

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    Presentation made easy. Hand out the data about the selected projects to your clients during site visits or send it to them in PDF format by e-mail.

  • Maps

    Our killer feature. View which projects are nearby hospitals, parks, restaurants, schools, shopping centers and subway and train stations. The projects’ icons reflect their property type and ROI, so that a province’s – or even country’s – number 1 project can be found in minutes instead of days or weeks.

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Which real-estate in which areas maximizes my ROI?

  • Different property types and areas

    Discover if different property types generate higher returns and if higher returns can be made in other provinces (or countries). You may be looking at the wrong things in the wrong places!

Which real-estate in which areas maximizes my ROI?

Different property types and areas

Discover if different property types generate higher returns and if higher returns can be made in other provinces (or countries). You may be looking at the wrong things in the wrong places!

Rental growth

Rental growth directly influences rental yield, which on its turn indirectly influences capital gains and is thus an important indicator of future inefficiencies (read: investment opportunities) in the market.

Returns adjusted for inflation

Easily compare the real returns between countries by checking the returns adjusted for inflation. Are properties in your area a store of value thereby protecting your purchasing power?

How to profit from inflation?

Buy an expensive house as possible with the largest mortgage the bank will give you. We have calculated for you which property types in which areas maximize your returns from playing this trick alone.


Which units at which pre-selling projects can easily be flipped for a high profit?

  • Which developers maximize my returns?
  • Estimate off-plan projects’ returns

    The Golden Combination: combine the area’s capital gains and the developer’s under- or outperformance (versus the market) and see which units can easily be flipped for a high profit (based on the average budget and preferred value for money of buyers in the area).

Which units at which pre-selling projects can easily be flipped for a high profit?

Which developers maximize my returns?

Developer versus market

Do a developer’s projects appreciate fast just because it happened to develop its projects in the fastest appreciating areas or because it really offers highly demanded projects for low pre-sale prices?

Estimate off-plan projects’ returns

The Golden Combination: combine the area’s capital gains and the developer’s under- or outperformance (versus the market) and see which units can easily be flipped for a high profit (based on the average budget and preferred value for money of buyers in the area).

Primary Residence

Which projects offering good value for money units of the type I need appreciate the most given my budget?

  • Compare with the market and location

    A comparison with area, city and province values puts the absolute numbers in perspective. Compare with the market value (i.e. area value during same period) to check if a project appreciated fast just because it happens to be in a fast appreciating area or because it really is a highly demanded project. Filters out area and time effects.

Which projects offering good value for money units of the type I need appreciate the most given my budget?

Capital gains

Calculated the correct way using median sale price/sqm instead of median sale price and all available data instead of just the last year. We also include remodeling and transaction costs (paid by buyer), so that your actual capital gains will be in line with the expected ones.

Compare with the market and location

A comparison with area, city and province values puts the absolute numbers in perspective. Compare with the market value (i.e. area value during same period) to check if a project appreciated fast just because it happens to be in a fast appreciating area or because it really is a highly demanded project. Filters out area and time effects.


Which projects offer the best value for money units of the type I need given my budget?

Which projects offer the best value for money units of the type I need given my budget?

Find in – 1 click – which type of units you can afford at which projects

Filter further on location and desired value for money, so that you can focus on only those projects that match all your preferences. Saves hours of searching online!

Best value for money units

Sort on lowest rent price/sqm to find the units offering the best value for money. Don’t pay more than needed!


Which projects’ easy-to-lease unit types maximize my ROI given my budget?

  • Rental yield of different unit types

    Maximize your returns by investing in the unit types with the highest rental yields. Over a period of 15 years, a difference of 1% already means >$25,000 in extra returns (based on a $170,000 unit).

Which projects’ easy-to-lease unit types maximize my ROI given my budget?

Calculate ROI in n years

Prevent investing in projects with future negative (or diminishing) returns due to falling rent prices! Calculate ROI in any future year.

Rental yield of different unit types

Maximize your returns by investing in the unit types with the highest rental yields. Over a period of 15 years, a difference of 1% already means >$25,000 in extra returns (based on a $170,000 unit).

Check how easily different unit types at each project can be leased

Based on (1) the average budget and (2) preferred value for money of tenants in the area; (3) direct competition (units of the same type at the same project); and (4) indirect competition (units of the same type at other nearby projects of the same type).

Investing Idea: Leveraged Airbnbs

Which “risk-free” units maximize my returns given what I can borrow?

  • Find “risk-free” units

    “Risk-free” units are easy-to-lease units with a positive ROI (now and in the future) for which the lease income is sufficient to offset the amortization payments. Investing in these units is almost risk-free, as you won’t ever lose money on them, they will (nearly) always be leased and - thus - you will always have positive cash flows. The risk of foreclosure of these units is therefore as minimal as possible.

Which “risk-free” units maximize my returns given what I can borrow?

Corrected and matching rent price

The corrected rent price is the project’s lowest rent price corrected for the difference in sqm with the project’s cheapest unit. The matching rent price is the rent price with which you also match the lowest rent price/sqm at all other nearby projects of the same type.

Amortization calculations

Customize the maximum loan (versus the appraised value), interest rate and loan term to check how much amortization you would pay for each project’s cheapest unit. Projects you can’t finance are automatically being filtered out. How handy!

Find “risk-free” units

“Risk-free” units are easy-to-lease units with a positive ROI (now and in the future) for which the lease income is sufficient to offset the amortization payments. Investing in these units is almost risk-free, as you won’t ever lose money on them, they will (nearly) always be leased and - thus - you will always have positive cash flows. The risk of foreclosure of these units is therefore as minimal as possible.

Power is the Ability To Act

Action is what unites every great success. Action is what produces results. Knowledge is only potential power, until it comes into the hands of someone who knows how to get himself to take effective action.

Tony RobinsCoach and Author

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